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Company information Hobby / Fendt-Caravan

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Company information Hobby / Fendt-Caravan

The Hobby Group remains permanently autonomous and independent.

Hobby boss Harald Striewski has created two foundations for this purpose.

The company founder and successful entrepreneur Harald Striewski has taken an important and decisive step toward safeguarding the future of his company. The company shares of this global player in the caravanning industry, which were previously owned by the family, will be placed into two newly created foundations. This step guarantees that the Hobby Group will remain autonomous and independent, as Harald Striewski wanted, and it promotes extensively to the common good.

In the future, the company Hobby-Wohnwagenwerk Ing. Harald Striewski GmbH with its subsidiary, the company Fendt-Caravan GmbH, the management company Striewski KG and the subsidiaries Formlight GmbH and Rendsburger Feuerverzinkerei GmbH will be transferred to the Harald Striewski family foundation and the non-profit Harald Striewski foundation.

In this way, the entrepreneur and visionary, Harald Striewski, has ensured that his life’s work will continue. After fleeing from their original homeland East Prussia, which had been destroyed by the war, his family was welcomed in Fockbek and Schleswig-Holstein and received great willingness to help. With the establishment of the charitable foundation, he would like to express his deep gratitude to the region.

Pierre Gilgenast (chairman of the board) and Anke Bumann have been appointed as the members of the first board of directors of the newly created foundations. Both are long-time, close companions and associates of Harald Striewski. Mr Harald Striewski will take over as chairman of the supervisory board, and his son Michael Striewski will become a member of the supervisory board.

The creation of the foundation and transfer of company shares has no impact on the structure and business activities of the operative companies, thereby allowing them to continue on their successful paths. Hobby and Fendt-Caravan are two of the most important manufacturers of caravans and motorcaravans in Europe.

The Group is market leader for newly registered caravans with a share of almost 40 % in Germany and more than 25 % in Europe.

Bernd Löher and Holger Schulz will remain managing directors of the company Hobby GmbH, and Hans Frindte and Andreas Dirr will remain managing directors of the company Fendt-Caravan GmbH. Ulrich Benkel is the managing director of the company Formlight GmbH in Warburg and Wolfgang Harbeck continues to head the Rendsburger Feuerverzinkerei.

The success story of the engineer, Harald Striewski, began in 1967 with the idea of building one caravan every day. Hobby quickly became the market leader for caravans, initially in Germany and then also in Europe.

Hobby’s success was founded on Harald Striewski’s unfailing passion, engineering prowess and his attention to detail. It was his ideas and visions, that not only shaped Hobby but also the entire industry.

The Hobby Group generates an annual turnover of approx. 500 million euros with a workforce of more than 2,000 employees. Hobby in Fockbek is one of the most important employers in Schleswig-Holstein.

Harald Striewski looks back on a creative and successful career and life’s work that spans more than 55 years. Milestones and many awards confirm the excellent track record of this exceptional entrepreneur. Harald Striewski is looking forward to handing over the operative business to his managing directors and employees and now, at the age of 85 years, will be enjoying some well-earned free time. He will remain connected to his company and life’s work via his work with the foundation.


If you have any further questions, please contact Mr Holger Schulz at

Telephone +49 (0)43 31/606 111, holger.schulz@hobby-caravan.de


If you have any further questions, please contact Mr Hans Frindte at

Telephone +49 (0)90 78/96 88 120, h.frindte@fendt-caravan.de



Fendt-Caravan - ein bayerischer Wohnwagen-Hersteller, der seit 1970 Caravans für Europa baut.


Thomas Kamm

Thomas Kamm

Pressekontakt Marketingleitung Fendt-Caravan Marketing, Werbung, PR, Kommunikation 09078/9688140

Fendt-Caravan - Premium-Wohnwagen aus Bayern für Europa

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Fendt-Caravan GmbH

Gewerbepark Ost 26
86690 Mertingen